Monday, December 18, 2006

lizzies birthday party

well i debated on what to do for my three year old's birthday party this year. i forgot her first year party, yes i admit i forgot it completely until the last minute! i got so caught up in christmas. i swore the next year i would do something awesome and we had a nice big party for her. this year though, i have had a tough few months dealing with her independence and moodiness. she is perfectly normal, perfectly fine...but sometimes it is hard to really communicate. i know she is only three and i want to savor every perfect little moment with her, but she is REALLY into being three! i have never been around a terrible two, i have moody threes...both kids (even the stepkid i have known since two was more emotional at three). so to make a long story short, we decided rather than have the potential for tantrums set infront of all her friends, we would do a more elaborate outing with just family. we picked "goofy's kitchen" at disneyland. something so commercial and cheesy just had to be perfect! surprisingly, it was. we arrived, we were ushered in, we sat, we ate and watched all of disney's glorious characters make their way around us. it was three year old heaven and i must say that we ALL had a great meal and enjoyed ourselves! Elizabeth was wide-eyed and happy the entire time and she ate and ate and ate some more. happy birthday liz!100_9400











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