Thursday, April 26, 2007

it's a WILDlife

ok, i just wanted to take liz on a special trip to the discovery science center this morning...she was really lazy getting up but i didn't realize that she was sick until she threw up in my car on the way. poor kid kept telling me she was ok and wanted to see the dinosaurs! well, we couldn't go home because i finally got my cleaning people back in to do a off to the park we went to read and sleep (liz immediately fell asleep after getting sick).

so here i am, minding my own business when a frenzy of crows come crashing into view. at first i thought it might be some "spring" action, but no, there was clearly one bird getting chased and hassled. to make a long story short:




not on my list of things to do, but one sick kid, one sick crow (broken wing), a trip to the vet, back home with a sleepy snuggly kid, and i am finally getting some quiet time to catch up on reading. weird day!

1 comment:

  1. Okay that is just nuts. How did you know the bird was not sick? What did the vet want to do with the bird?
    You get some cooco stories in your day.
