Tuesday, January 8, 2008

dream house


after seeing this episode of dwell, i have fantasized about converting a barn into some rustic/country/modern blend of new and old. this barn is not in the most ideal location, but it sure is what i would call a "real" barn. i just love to gaze at it each day on our way to the highway.

here is another cool pad with wide open green all around and a rustic/modern vibe. i think i have posted about it before, i just love it so.

whenever we visit colorado, i get itchy for my own rustic place (the cabin in gvl was my attempt to get back to nature and i love to get away when we can) but part of me wants a day to day life out in the wilderness, far from city lights and traffic. to really live with the seasons on a day to day basis, nature all around instead of planes overhead and neighbors a foot away (even though i LOVE my neighbors!!!) it's nice to have something to dream about and don't worry mom! we aren't making any plans to move (just yet, ha ha!)


  1. is so *so* know what you mean!!

  2. okay, are you there now! How fun!! Sorry to hear you were sick, looks like you're better and having a blasty...
