Sunday, January 8, 2012

Spinning wheels, 2012

so i just got renewed for another year here on typepad, automatically and for some reason i was annoyed that i hadn't had a chance to decide whether i would continue with this blog or not. funny, you don't give something much attention but then you can't give it up either... my goal for this space originally was to post mostly about being a camp fire leader and it has surely morphed into many other things. travel journal, kids growing up journal, save the wetlands outlet...still very superficial really. facebook and now pinterest have overshadowed much of my blogging (twitter not so much), it is so quick and easy and interesting. i have found most of the blogs i read to be either really boring (lots of deep thought and thinking, which i did a lot of as a teenager and young adult: DONE!) or really annoying (whining about kids non stop and having baby after baby after baby: DONE) or all about food and cooking (YUM!). maybe a travel blog or "normal" parenting blog or two and thats it. 


Soooo.... since i must continue on i will dig just a tiny bit deeper today and post what is actually happening this morning and my thoughts on it:


because it reflects what is going on at this moment, right now... coffee grounds on the way to my new composter (all i wanted for christmas this year and santa brought it!!), "yellow" limes from the dwarf tree that finally produced fruit (i have been torn up about the loss of our lemon tree for like 5 years now and struggling to replace it), cork from the italian wine my husband got for me to try last night (from the region of italy we will be visiting in june...more to come on that), large jar i will fill with the organic farro i custom ordered from an organic farm in oregon that has been amazing! (this recipe rocks!), our avocados are finally ripening and this is a record year for tastiness, a nice flower someone placed in a jar (camellia) and a monster sized bisquick left over from camping to make pancakes for our sleepover guest this morning... last day of vacation for the girls and i have to work so a special breakfast is in order. i am thinking i might even elaborate on my job more in this space since it has become such an enormous part of my life (emotionally) lately, but we'll see. it's pretty heavy stuff. and now its time my morning ritual of coffee in the jacuzzi!
Happy New Year!!


  1. I'm glad you are here :) And look forward to hearing what you get up to in 2012. My mom asked why I blog over the holidays - and why so much navel gazing! My answer- it really is just on-line journaling. I don't think too much about who reads it any more. But like to know that I have some place to put down some words. And being able to have photos with it works for me. Happy New Year! p.s. LOVE the portraits of the girls! Remind me someday to tell you how I "found" Alice... xo

  2. thanks so much tracy, totally made my day!! i would love to hear about how you met alice. xoxo
