Sunday, April 11, 2010


inspired by amy karols book, i silk screened a t shirt for my kinder group using a design by aaron my stepson...their name is the "rocket cats" and we had a couple different versions of this design before deciding on this one. i like the print EZ product, but honestly, it wasn't as easy as i had hoped. for one, the ink dries so fast you have to rinse and then dry the screen between maybe two or three shirts (not really the print EZ's fault). super time consuming BUT the result was great.


we spent the week of spring break at the cabin and hosted some guests i met on flickr, the kids were such a great match i couldn't believe it! us parents got along as well, which was nice!
we still have a lot of snow and with another storm coming maybe a little more is in store?

back to work tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. i love this shirt!!!! your son is a awesome artist. i can tell she loves it too
