Monday, June 2, 2008

spinning wheels

i dont know about anyone else, but i am not liking all the upgrades on typepad. took me forever to get down how to do stuff (STILL cant figure out how to make a new banner!!!!) and now i make lots of mistakes before i get a post up and running. ok, here goes:


this is emilys old bike, the one that had training wheels. last year she started riding without them and had a major collision with a tree (she even remembers exactly which tree in the park "hit" her) so it has been a battle to get her to try again. luckily our neighbor tackled riding last week and begged emily to ride with her. she had no problem at all now, the bike is teeny so she can put her feet down easily. we have been riding for hours and hours every day now for a week and all the exercise has made improvements in all our lives. better sleep for one, hooray!

liz follows at break neck speed on her hand me down tricyle (missing handgrips and a pedal) i took over on one of the step boys cruiser bikes, but i would really love something with a funky basket up front (NEVER thought i would say a thing like that!) at least i wont be putting a dog in it, just snacks and maybe a book?

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