Tuesday, February 17, 2009

kick ass dolls

these are the kickingness of ass dolls i have ever seen. oh man!!!!

1.28.09 Dolls 095

1.28.09 Dolls 187

1.28.09 Dolls 181
1.28.09 Dolls 160

damn it if these are the coolest, go check them out yourself and see.


  1. yeah
    those kick serious ass!!!
    i like those a ton
    in fact good verbage on your part, but if i had to describe it.......
    I'd say they're........

  2. wow those are so great...the eyes are so cool!!!

  3. I was never a doll person (although I still have my first edition bendable knees Barbie and case!)....but I am crazy about the hair on these dolls. Is it drawn on?
