we did activities both inside and out
i met a most fabulous person as well, someone who used to be run programs at el dorado nature center and will hopefully help me coordinate some kind of educational program for los cerritos wetlands. i also spoke again with the director of madrona marsh and i am certain we will work together in the future. what luck to have sent an email to just the right person (madrona marsh director) at just the right time (a week before this amazing workshop) and finally, to meet the instructor who "overheard" me say something about los cerritos wetlands causing her to rush in the room to meet me. just so damn lucky!!
so even though i would have loved to just chill at home today, i am glad i got up early to attend this workshop. it was fun and i am so excited to do some of these lessons asap!
a happy mothers day to all the moms out there!!
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