we always end spring camp out with a pancake breakfast, good stuff!
my new group for lizzie will start up soon, so expect a lot more camp fire coming your way (hope its not too much!) i have been buried in saving the wetlands, planning an upcoming wetlands benefit garage sale and linking up with some other local wetlands groups. i wish i could do this kind of thing full time, so rewarding and actually quite addicting. a real thrill to find new interested people and plan events to get the community involved. maybe a future career? we'll see! oh we just had a pretty big earthquake while i was writing this, big enough to get us all running for tables. i actually thought a bear was tramping over our roof, strange but what can you do? we live in so cal after all!
earthquake~ oh no!! we experienced a big one when we lived in alaska, i think it was a 7 something. scary. And don't tell my husband but the campout looks like a lot of fun