we did so great on the homemade gifts this year, so proud of us! lots of magnets made and gifted, i finally got around to making the soft trees (and BOY are they addictive) as well as the gnomes (i had to make a dozen or so). lizzie was the recipient of most of the handmade things and she liked them all. i even tried to make a marushka doll last minute that came out ok, with a few alterations i would really like them more but not sure if i will make too many. i got the idea from
here and still am in love with
these (fantastic versions hoping to get one someday) there still was a lot of bought gifts but i focused on buying handmade if possible (the girlie handwriting print, beeswax candles) or something based on a charitable cause (chris got the whale shirt) and his birthday present for tomorrow fits the criteria. i also chose two cooperative board games which i have never played before (never even heard of the concept). lizzie got a sewing toy (waldorf inspired) and a memory game based on story book creatures. emily got a kit to learn to sew, lacing cards (also from the waldorf store). there were some art supplies, oil pastels and drawing books. of course books!! (one of emilys is still in transit, which has a handmade set of wood dolls bought on etsy that goes with it, she will probably get that tomorrow). had to get the new jk rowling
book which i am looking forward to sitting down with to look at with the girls. we bought the
book written by dallas clayton, he's a local and i dont think many were made, its great! i plan on checking out "twilight" finally... cant wait for a new series, hope it delivers!
so with all that, here we go: photo heavy post!

there are just too many fun ones to pick... i will put a set on flickr if you want to see more. merry christmas everyone! hoping to head up to the cabin for a few days but with this blustery storm we are having right now, it might not be in the cards. we may just have to stay bundled up with new movies and our new toys and games for three days, oh darn.
Happy Christmas...it looks like you guys had a fantastic one! i love the basket your Lizzie is carrying. they looks o happy with everything, including your hubs. i wanted to be handmade this year but moving put a big kebosh on that