Monday, December 15, 2008

i'm a winner!

ok, time to brag, i actually WON something (see my name all in lights??)! out of more than 1700 comments, mine was picked! who would have known how cool this is, since my christmas theme this year is all fairies and gnomes and waldorfy stuff. i am sooooo happy!



soon to be wrapped for lizzie, cant wait!
there is a waldorf school just starting out in our area, i have been loving the interactions with some of the staff and parents. they recently had a winter festival and liz and i were in heaven making some very fun crafts. check this windchime out:

and we made hand dipped candles (present for grandma, she will love it) and christmas ornaments and decorated a candle with this great little tool that carves our shapes from thin sheets of wax. i also bought some beeswax candles for gifts (seems like candles are a theme every year for me, sorry if you are the recipient of a candle year after year, i just like them!) we ate gingerbread cupcakes and oh... the highlight was lizzie tripping over the hot wax on container and spilling it into a perfect maple leaf shape on the floor. only waldorf parents would point this fascinating fact out, its ok, no one was hurt AND look at that marvelous maple leaf shape of hot spilt wax on the floor, lovely! we had a blast!


  1. congratulations!! my mom saw the comment that won was from a Leslie and she thought that it might be me...alas no...but that is ok with me!!! you won...winning something is so fun, and it is so cute!!

  2. congrats! where is the waldorf info? you sending lizzie? i would love to know when the next fest is taking place...nice craft. a few of those folks probably met at banana berry a few times back in the day...
