two awesome pieces
too bad i have no place to put these, darn it!
i was too tired to post this last part of our day, but we made it to our local concert in the park last night. we finally started going to these at the end of last years concert series and were hooked. this year we have gone to all but the first one. we bike over with our chairs and food while the kids run around together in a wild frenzy of activity. sometimes the music is great, sometimes not so great, but it is always relaxing.
i got that dr. pepper for lizzy as a bribe (yes i am admiting it) but i made it last through several meals making it the bribe that kept on giving. so twice a week we are biking to local parks (this one on fridays) and we go to a park at the beach on wednesdays to hear these free concerts. i will be missing this family activity for sure when summer ends.
actually, i am still pleased as pudding with my garden and the over abundance of tomatoes. i have had a standing bowl of salsa for weeks now and eating pasta with tomato/garlic/onion sauce nightly is nothing to complain about (i even throw in zucchini). all i ever wanted was tomatoes on top of tomatoes and then even more tomatoes... we will see in a month from now but i think i will still be over the moon with these red babies.
in case you are wondering, my favorite by far is the "juliet" with tomatoes a little larger than a grape but a tad smaller than a roma. they are coming in groups of six or more, super firm and red... sweet and amazing. my early girl is running out of gas, the beefstake had to be pulled (i got about 20 from it before it got too buggy and yellow). the orange tomato had to go today, i got maybe 5 from it before it got sick. the cherry is going strong, the brandywine is putting out these huge pink tomatoes (in the picture its at the top left), the italian roma is in full swing and something i cant remember is busting at the seams with medium round tomatoes (i think it is surplice or something like that). i planted a late tomato bush that is just starting to flower, hoping to keep the season as long as possible.
i have never had sunflowers before and can i just say, i am in love!!! having to seed and re-seed over and over gave me quite the variety!
emily headed off to camp today!
the nurse checks temp, head and feet
pimped out bus, not sure about this (we had old school buses with stuck windows and sang camp songs for entertainment, these guys are watching "shark tales" and have a bathroom, hmmmmmmm...)
liz has mixed emotions sending her sister off
heading back home, liz said, "now i can play with emily's toys!" seems she is over being sad about her big sister going to camp.
i guess i have neglected this part of my blog, the "career" part where i thought i would give great useful advice about being an ultrasound tech and found that i was just a big whiney burnout when i went down that path. i am one of those people who gets around a bunch of complainers and i happily join in until some cheerful person puts me in my place, then i realize i need to be thankful and all that, blah blah blah.
anyways, i have so many highs and lows with my job, i think the roller coaster ride keeps me from getting bored, but it can really wear me out too. for one, i see sick people all day who by their very nature are cranky. then, if i am around pregnant women all day, there are serious hormones raging not to mention the "this is the most exciting wonderful scary wacky crazy maybe stupidist thing i have ever done to myself" thing going on. so, here i am just scratching people off a list to get to a lunch break or to get home to my family and i have a person in a crisis of some kind, one after another. i have to read minds, read a blurry image on the screen, diagnose for the doctor (and sell my work to him/her even if its crappy) and then make absolutely certain i dont tell the patient too much (practicing medicine without a license, a big no no) or be too robotic and "mean" getting myself a patient complaint. personally, i dont have a problem telling a patient my opinion, exactly what is wrong with them, if i think they need a new doctor or if they need to see a shrink, but if i want to keep my job, i have to be very very careful. this to me, is the biggest dilemma i face. what to say and how to say it.
ok guys, here goes... remember the only sewing i had was in home economics class about 25 years ago!
start with 6 sides, make sure they are straight and square (i get sloppy sometimes and it makes the corners harder to match up) designate a "bottom" and sew 4 sides to it.
add a "top" to one side
sew up the sides to make a box, this is the trickiest part because your corners can get bunchy. i just make sure the edges line up and the corner match. when you sew you will sew across the corners like this:
just run right to the end and even though it looks weird, the straight stitching will make a crisp corner when you turn it, oh did i mention in the beginning that we are sewing all right sides together? making a box that is inside out... see i am great at tutorials! geez...
here is the box, just fold the top over and sew three sides down and then half of the fourth, leaving an opening to turn right side out and stuff.
almost done
the fun part is stuffing and finishing off
i dont recommend using a pencil (i like chopsticks) and these dont really need anything, the hole you leave should be big enough to get your fingers into easily
finished! sorry this is the last photo, i was on to something else and forgot to get a "smiling kid/block all done" photo... this is emily's personalized block and she wisked it off to play with.
good luck! remember these blocks are homemade and all the imperfections make them unique and special, right?