look what treasures you can find under the bed: i made this "town" for andrew many birthdays ago, i can't for the life of me remember which one. i know it was pre-emily, so more than 7 years ago...maybe his 6th or 7th? it weighs a ton and very stable. it has lego areas to build up lego houses...and an awesome set of wood houses and stores i hand painted (those will have to come in a later post...i need to dig them out). lizzie has fallen in love with cars and it just followed that we would dig this out from under the bed. she quietly lines up cars and runs them along the roads. my idea came from a fabric city my mom made for my brother, used mostly for traveling. i still have his and the one she made for me (to play with horses and farm animals).
a vegetarian plug...
references to dogs...charlotte is very fast.
can't forget the cats...lulu lane.
a road to the mountains and a lego mat to build skyscrapers.
i went through an all green phase (our house was green, several green rooms...a passion for all things green). i was so impressed with my checkerboard edge, fancy!
Saturday, March 31, 2007
blast from the past
Friday, March 30, 2007
bad, bad, BAD day at work.
uh oh, i just realized Pat will be home from paris soon and reading up on my blog (i hope!) and i am covering for her at her workplace sooooo....Pat just cover your ears and eyes.....for everyone else:
bad day at work! just really hard cases back to back to back. i had to get my good buddy fellow tech in to help me out of several jams, not so good for the confidence, but when he said, "MAN!" and "GEEEEEZ!" and a few #$%@!*#'s under his breath, i felt pretty damn good that it wasn't just me! whew! anyways, i was late for a camp fire leader meeting, raced in frazzled but at least pulled it together (almost killed the caretaker for camp fire when he told me to move my car so he could lock the gate, i am sure my look did some damage, poor guy!) luckily the meeting went well and my husband who is AWESOME prepped the kids that their mom was coming home in a very bad state of mind, and had the bubble bath, candles and wine flowing. now THAT was smart! i even got a little shoulder wash from lizzie, done very carefully. ahhhhh.... i think i feel better now.
i leave with thoughts of yesterday, my wonderful park day. wish i wasn't working this weekend, i need a break!
oh well, at least i have monday off, oh wait, i have to go get my taxes done, uh....not so fun. guess i need another day off to recover from that experience...wish me luck!
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Rules to live by
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
gotta love those babies
two things about this baby...
something that has happened several times to me, but never fails to throw me off: measurements. one of the first things we do when doing ob patients is to measure the baby. we do the head, abdomen and femur (thigh bone).
usually these measurements are within a week of eachother, quickly measured and off to other body parts.
well this little guy had a leg bone measuring almost three weeks behind. when you averaged all three, he was in the normal range overall but it is always worrisome to have one of the three lagging behind the others. i scanned the hell out of him and found nothing wrong. he was perfect in every way. i did a last minute check of that leg again and just punched the data into the report hoping this is not some kind of dwarfism i am missing (they are usually pretty easy to catch, i have seen a lot of them). (oh, if the abdomen measurement is lagging, this is the most important of the three because it is related to the baby's weight more than the others, it suggests problems with the placenta and other really serious nutritional issues. the leg and head are more stable since they are bones, not fat.)
ok, so off i go to find the husband for the show and tell (i did not see him when i went to get the mama earlier) and YES the guy is seriously short, like less than 5 feet tall, i am looking DOWN on him. ok, not so funny, but at least it makes sense! short papa, short baby. no problem. perfect in every way! whew!!!
and he is definitely a HE (second funny thing).
ready for the mail, gifts!
funny how the older kids really like the owls and elephants, even my step boys are begging for custom versions (or some kind of super mario brother monster doll, dont ask!) i had a request from a really great friend who has had a pretty crappy year...her two girls really grew up fast and we miss hanging out! so here they are, ready for the mail!
we might have to wrestle the elephant from liz.
my new tags, i am soooo in love with these!
a wacky elephant made from cotton kimono fabric.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
a lost day
i am sure there are plenty of jobs that run 24 hours...but hospital jobs have to be the worst. when i first started doing ultrasound, i thought it was so cool to wear the beeper and be called out from my dinner to do a stat patient from the emergency room, WOW, so neat! well, after 15 years, i am OVER it! this has to be the biggest cause for burnout in techs, i am sure (other than obstetrical patients, which i have spoken about before).
i was "on call" a couple fridays back and after taking a one hour nap...was called out three different times. first at 11:00pm, then as i was driving back home at 1:00am....called back in. i got home at 3:00am, got nice and toasty in my bed only to be called out at 3:30am. now, if i get called in i start getting grumpy and i am not too pleased when my patient arrives eating mcdonalds cheerfully and asks me how i am doing. these are the patients who say they have a pain somewhere that has been there for a couple years. i ALWAYS want to say, "and you decided 2am on a saturday nite was high time you came in to check it out??" ughhhh!
yesterday i worked a full day and then was on call after, luckily i only had to stay two hours overtime and never got called back in, YAHOOOOO!!! that is why i am not in a total coma as i write this.
time for my "second shift" as my friends without kids often say as we head home from work. family is calling!
Saturday, March 24, 2007
What is it????
work in progress...trying out something new:
a spring owl...part of a series of lighter colored owls.
survivor thursday
yes we are addicts...we have a standing pizza party every thursday night when survivor is on....years and years of tradition (we are all about traditions!).
liz sorts her cars....actually her brother's cars....
Friday, March 23, 2007
james bond forever
love this movie, i know, i know....but james bond holds a special place in my heart. for many years my brother and i spent weekends watching james bond marathons on tbs....lets just say my brother was going through some serious stuff and we "bonded" while watching these movies. i always think of him when i watch a new bond film or see a marathon advertised...dont seem to have hours on end to watch back to back movies these days...too busy with kids and work. funny how you associate one thing with something else...james bond and a little brother struggling with life, forever bonded, so to speak.
did i mention my brother turned me on to soundgarden too? what a sweet coincidence, ahhh chris cornell....xoxoxo to matt.