we got some snow at the cabin during the last big storm. i don't know if anyone who lives in a snowy area actually reads my blog (other than family in colorado) but living in southern california where it is 70 degrees most every day, going up to the snow is such a big deal. i have only had a few experiences of going to sleep with no snow and waking up to lots of snow, that magical experience. it's on my wish list of future places to live someday, seasons that include snow in the winter. i am really thankful we can enjoy snow every winter at the cabin, especially with the kids.
we are wearing lots of hats around here now, i think the girls realized they can get out of brushing their hair by putting a hat on... i should crack down on that but i LOVE these hats!
our cabin is on a hill so snow piles down below, we just climb up through it to get in. this is our neighbors house (they have a house by us in both places) and their cabin is down below the road so they get snow piled on their stairs leading down to the door. it looked like a ski ramp when we were there, it must take hours to shovel those stairs just to get in the house... or a matter of seconds if they just sled down them! the girls love that idea.
after the slide fire, the ski resort burned down but the ski runs remain. this is a favorite sledding spot for us and usually no one is around. last weekend though, it was crowded with people coming up for the day. we still had plenty of room to do our thing.
our weekend guests, leslie and her son kareem (he is ducking his head in back).
being on facebook has sure changed our lives, chris and i are on it more than we probably should be but we really like it. when we returned from this last trip, we found out one of chris' childhood friends (from his cub scout troop) had owned our cabin for 30 years and he recognized it in a photo chris had posted on facebook. we have had a whirlwind week chatting with him and his wife, lots of memories and emotions and exclamations of "wow!" and "can't believe it!" and "amazing!" we are so looking forward to getting them up there to give us a tour from their perspective. of all the cabins we could have bought, just how many different decisions led us to that moment when his friend contacted us. i just love stuff like that.
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