we stayed at the Kennedy School, which is a hotel made from an old schoolhouse. it was the most amazing hotel i have ever stayed in, hands down, i would highly recommend it to anyone. the place has a great restaurant, tons of beer (with it's own brewery), several fun bars (detention hall and honors bar), a fantastic movie theater (you eat pizza sitting on couches in a huge auditorium and watch brand new movies for free), amazing artwork, lots of history and the rooms are crazy fun (chalk boards all around and your closet is the old cloak room). it was inexpensive as well. the vibe is pure fun and the staff were super nice.
it was hard to get pictures though, dark dark halls.
we did several road trips: here is one to the gorge, vista house and several waterfalls
we took a drive to the coast (my love, the beach!)
we did a search for the "goonies house" and stumbled on it
plus a super cute siam mix kitty
views driving to the beach through farms were awesome as well
ok... if this post isn't kooky enough... back to the beach (cannon beach, another goonies movie spot)
ok, more to come... xo portland!