how we did it? wrap tin foil around a plastic bucket, wrap twine (the coarse garden kind worked best) around and around, pinning at the top as you cross it back and forth and back around again. one mom found paper clips worked best, the safety pins we used were hard to get back out. the point is to have a way to cross the twine on top without it sliding off. use watered down glue (i ended up taking old glue bottles and added a little water then squeezed the mixture out) to paint on the string. let dry for several days and then put more glue/water mixture on it. let dry (seriously this took a week to dry!) pop off the bucket, peel off the tin foil and decorate. we used pipe cleaners, pom poms and feathers with a minimal amount of hot glue (i was done with the white glue!)
thats it! wear it if you dare!
Very, very nice! I wish I had time to make one for my halloween costume!