we celebrated another birthday, our "little" lizzie turned 7! we are often last minute with her parties, but i think i figured out finally that its ok to plan a midweek party during the holiday school break. most people are looking for something fun to break up the time the kids are at home. it doesnt always have to be on a saturday or sunday.
we have a tiny house, teeny weeny tiny, but we managed to squeeze everyone around our dining room table for pizza, cake and then we opened presents. it was a fast paced party the REAL event was going to the 3d movie 
which was pretty good actually (as i was dreading lizzies choice of yogi bear... just looked super dumb to me, but wasnt as bad as i thought it would be)
so i highly recommend a trip to the movies as an easy option for a birthday. midweek and in the evening, the kids were giddy and sang christmas songs in the car ride over... the girls were fast asleep about 5 minutes after returning home and there was very little clean up or prep work. we rarely go to the movies, maybe twice a year at most, so it was a real treat for my kids, like a trip to disneyland almost.
happy birthday lizzie!!!