so we did it, we got a new puppy and i have to tell you it's been a life changer! the first dog i ever chose on my own as an adult was charlotte, an american pointer i found at the pound in virgina (who died last year at 16 years of age) then rudy then olive... two chihuahuas who were all impossible to train and difficult to live with too... all three were dogs i struggled to make pets and eventually gave up on, such a disappointment. i would say that olive being the last of the three has FINALLY come around and i am quite fond of her now. maybe the other two overshadowed her? not sure...
growing up loving dogs and then having three extremely difficult dogs in a row put me in an "anti dog" mode for many years. i told chris i needed a major break from dogs since i saw them as just work and stress most of the time. when maggie came around i was hesitant...but only for a minute. she has won me over big time and is pretty much amazing if i do say so myself. i have always loved pitbulls, so smart and loyal... a lab pit mix was a no brainer for far so good!
the dog park is a must with this much energy!