stumbled on to
this shop and couldnt pass up the bluebird necklace! it came in such an amazing package, i had my camera out snapping photos before i realized i hadnt even opened the actual NECKLACE yet! can you say flippen satisfied customer?? i can!
overcrowded to the max (emily got a new haircut)

so i can plant the box and get some carnations? sweet! i got a free pair of umbrella earrings (yes i am wearing them right now) and oh yeah, the necklace ROCKS as well...

ok, now i just have to get something simple enough to wear this with. the girls love it as well, always a good sign. happy thursday!

one more in case you couldnt see the little bluebird in there among all the other trinkets (a jeweled bee, branch, large round locket that lizzy loves and my camera is reflected in, large flower and just about any other cool thing you can think of) i think my flu is on its way out, hoping to be back to normal soon.