since my new years resolution is to be more flakey, less ocd, it is fitting i am just now (two weeks into the sale) selling candy with emily. we are going to go gang busters the second half of the selling month so beware, you will see us hounding the neighbors soon. here is our first store sale, in the wind and rain, didnt last long but still managed to sell a bunch.

cute babies and preschoolers are always good for selling candy, ha ha!

working on some future gifts and trying to "capture" the girls in a picture together. harder than it looks, someone is always clowning around, lots of goofiness, lots of grumpiness, pushing and shoving, whining, crying. who are these kids i wonder?

poor emily has had the on again, off again rash around her mouth for like months now. poor kid, she just cant seem to get rid of it.

typical liz shot, perfect! ugh!

finally i give you the first pair of pants i have ever made. i tried to make them a tad bigger (the pattern was 3t) and here are the list of goofs i made: didnt make the legs wide enough when enlarging the pattern so they taper in too much at the ankle, one leg is wider than the other ( how the heck did i do that?), had to chop the top off, the crotch was way to low, overall these are too short (thank goodness they are just pajama bottoms).... lets see, what else? oh, sewed the inseams up incorrectly (sorta made a skirt at first) having to start over again.... there is seriously 4 steps to making these and i goofed on all 4! i am a totally "jump in feet first" kind of person and in sewing i guess thats just my style. i have it all figured out now, so you might be seeing more pajama bottoms soon. unless i jump into something else (i would bank on something else).